These can be applied almost for any need as a quick solution which may be temporary in most of the cases. The other reason of its wide use in number of application is its good load bearing capacity with a fixed, tight grip. Temporary in the sense that till a proper arrangement is made to replace the original locking system, it can work good. In a few countries it is legal for policemen to use zip ties as temporary hand cuff for culprits.

Just think of the places you visit in your normal routine and I will tell you the importance of Zip Ties – kitchen, drawing room, bedroom, bathrooms, study room, garden, your emergency kit in car, during travel, camping … they are endless. It was something surprising for me when one of my female friends disclosed that she once used zip ties for tying her long hair when she could not find any replacement for her broken hair clip. This example made me laugh but still I accepted that there are so many use of this other than the technical applications I used so far.
In kitchen we may face a cabinet door lock not working and it is unsafe to keep it open and see, nothing else will be better than zip ties till it is repaired. Now you are not worried for your pets or even kids to open the door for discovering the secret treasure here.
If you are facing problems with any type of door latches or door handles, zip ties can be used in different ways. Sometime we need to make temporary loop hangers in our kitchen or dining area and there also zip ties can be used without any question.
When we try to fix two broken or unbroken surfaces with some adhesive material, they need some time for them to join permanently and till them that time they need to be hold together with firm grip and zip ties are the idlest choice. When you apply adhesive, tie them firmly with the zip ties and after the set time limit, you release them as they won’t be required any more.
It is also very useful to handle or support those delicate climbers in our garden or indoor plants, nothing better than zip ties you can use to bundle them or routing them. A few smaller plants like of tomato, the delicate branches with laden tomatoes bow down to ground and can be spoiled and they usually need to be supported by something like zip ties.
In garages we make all the arrangements to place all the required things on a suitable place but still we need some temporary hanger loops for some extra tools and using zip tie will be the most convenient and fastest solution. It is also very popular for hanging poster and banner or any other type of display card during any exhibition, election rally etc. I recently gone through a news article saying that in a particular city people removed approximately 10000 of zip ties used during election for banner display in a particular city.
Going on tracking or picnic? I tell you, zip ties must be there in you camping kit as one of the essential object and it can play an important part creating your temporary shelter. This can be used for tying almost anything in emergency as a temporary solution. In case of camping it cab used as a temporary lock to your tent when you are going out. If you are carrying your mountain bike with you on your truck, zip ties can be used to hold the wheels with their frames and providing safety from all jerks during movement.
Reminding you that these are so strong , light weight and safe to use that Velcro zip ties are used in the space craft to hold the movable items at their place during high speed or in a condition of zero gravity otherwise they will be flying in air and may damage some sensitive equipments used. Nott only this but it will be needed to lock all of small pouches or bags or zippers which has a risk of opening with vibration and jerks.
If you are planning for a mild floral decoration for a small get together at your home, nothing to worry about arranging them in a pattern. Just use zip ties for bundling the flowers with stem and then you can tuck it anywhere and they will keep on smiling together till your party is over.
Besides all these utilities of zip ties, it is very popular among the artist for creating some unbelievable shapes and objects. I have seen so many beautiful creations like Lamp Shade, Chandelier, Small Basket, Polar Bear and so many abstract designs also.
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